I just hate vendor departures.
You might think that we would be happy to see a competitor newspaper vendor go. We've seen a lot departures. From 2000 to now, newspaper employment has declined from 420,000 to just 180,000. We vendors serve an industry in decline. Doing business as usual isn't a viable option. Martha and I say that SCS builds trusted newspaper systems. We also think that for newspapers, being trusted is essential. Otherwise its readers will flee and its advertisers will depart. A while ago, at a trade show conference, one speaker, a disgruntled newspaper executive, announced that he thought all vendors lied. To this Martha (the person who founded SCS 40 years ago and proudly stands with a fist) proclaimed that this hasn't ever been true of our company. When a newspaper vendor fails, it's like when a newspaper goes out of business. The scuttlebutt becomes "All newspapers are going out of business." And some trust in them is lost. There is a concept in business called fiduciary responsibility. It means you place your clients interests ahead of your own. Professionals are often required by law to do this. For newspapers it is a responsibility conferred on them by their special status written into the Constitution. So here's the question: Would you expose the malicious intent or behavior of an important advertiser? How about a favored politician? What about an executive of your company? Newspapers need the ability to reinvent their business. Often this will require new or changed technology. They need trusted vendors now more than ever. Being virtuous is tough. We've found that doing well goes hand in hand with doing good. For your Peace of Mind you will want to partner with a vendor you can trust. Comments are closed.
Richard J. Cichelli
SCS President & CEO Archives
January 2019